Home 9 Guide to Language 9 What is Evaluative Language Meaning and Examples of Evaluative Language?
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May 9, 2023 | Guide to Language

In this write-up, we will thoroughly explore every aspect of the evaluative language. It can be used in both positive and negative ways. The prime purpose of evaluative language is to judge the worth of something.

Here we will define the evaluative language, and go through evaluative language examples, evaluative language definition, evaluative adjectives, and evaluative terms.

Evaluative language is used in a broad range of writing types. Evaluative verbs are used to compute the overall ratings of products and services. However, it’s not too successful when we use it when the evaluation is highly implicit and context-dependent.

Evaluative words allow writers to express feelings and assess people, subjects, and objects. That helps them share and contrast views with other speakers.  With the help of translation services Australia, you can easily communicate and share your views with people worldwide in their own language.

Let’s dive deep into the world of evaluative language.

What is Evaluative Language

Basically, evaluative language is used to express positive or negative opinion. The speaker or writer uses positive or negative words to judge aspects like people’s behaviour. So that quality of objects like literary works can be assessed.    

Evaluations can be made explicit with the use of adjectives. For example, “he’s is a smart man,” or “she is a pretty girl,” or  “how wonderful is the weather.”

However, evaluative vocabulary can also be made implicit with the help of adjectives. Like, “Julia put her arm around the baby while she wept,” or “he caught the ball when he was tackled.”

That means evaluative interpretation is subjective to the individuals’ perspective. Where person expresses their opinion on people and their behaviour.

Besides that, evaluative language is used to measure the worth of the objects. That includes literature, art, design, products, and services.

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Difference Between Evaluative and Emotive Language

Difference Between Evaluative and Emotive Language

Emotive language is used with certain words that evoke the audience’s emotional response. However, evaluative language is used to persuade the audience using words with measurable adjectives.

Emotional language is often used to persuade the audience with the writer’s point of view. Where motive adjectives are to stimulate an emotional reaction.

At the same time, evaluative persuade readers with some facts and measurable constants.

Emotional language is used in speeches, essays, debates and everyday conversations. At the same time, evaluative language calculates the worth of creative outcomes, products and services.

Here, the creative outcomes can be in the art form, literature, movies, etc.

Emotive Words Examples

Writers use many words that evoke a strong emotional reaction in their listeners and audiences. These words have a weight that is difficult to ignore. Some of these examples are given below:

  • Adjectives: Magnificent, Appalling, Wonderful, Magical, and Tragic.
  • Abstract Nouns: Freedom, Pride, Justice, Love, Fear, and Terror.
  • Verbs: Destroyed, Vindicated, Saved, Betrayed, Loved, and Adored.
  • Emotive Adverbs: Cautiously, Magnificently, Angrily, Smartly, Defiantly, Proudly and Beautifully.

Basically, emotive writing is used to play with the psychology of readers.

Students are often asked to write essays using emotional language. Here you can explore more about emotive language.

It will help students understand emotive elements more deeply. Now, write emotive papers and evoke the emotions of your teacher for the best grades.  

Difference Between Evaluative and Descriptive Adjectives

Now, you must understand the evaluative language definition. Let’s discuss the difference between evaluative and descriptive adjectives.

There is a fine difference between both types of languages. That’s why the adjectives in support of the language’s style also differ.

An evaluative adjective or argument always focuses on something that can be measured. The reader can easily understand ideas with evaluative adjectives and sentences.

For example, if we want to compare and determine the height of people in the group. The writer will focus on the measurable evaluative adjectives.

Let’s say somebody is 1.6 m tall and another is 2.1 m tall. The writer can easily present the idea in respect of heights. Here, you will get the best driver license translation in Australia.

“The second person is taller than the first, or even the tallest in the party.”

However, descriptive adjectives describe properties or characterization that we cannot measure. A descriptive argument can be limited to colour, material, clothes, etc.

For example, if we use the adjective “wooden.” We cannot identify or get familiar with which thing is more wooden.

The readers are unable to compare the features. That’s why descriptive adjectives don’t have comparative or superlative forms.

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Evaluative Language Examples 

Evaluative Language Examples
The complex evaluative phenomena can be distinguished into three levels or types. That includes:

  • Implicit Evaluation: we can define implied evaluation as the automated effect of stimuli on evaluative responses. The benefit of this definition is that it is neutral in its regard. That includes mental processes, attitudes, and representations that mediate implicit evaluation.
  • Figurative Language: Figurative language demand appreciation or examine meaning by asking readers to understand something. The readers respond by its relation to other things, actions or images. Figurative discussion can be contrasted with literal language.
  • Intent Detection: It is used to develop engaging content that demands intent behind something. It makes reading more engaging for the audience.

Example of Evaluative Adjectives & Evaluative Terms

Below you will see the list of both evaluative positive and negative adjectives. These adjectives represent the feeling or need.

Evaluative Feeling Negative Adjectives Positive Adjectives
abandoned bewilderment, sad, terrified, hurt, frighted, lonely belonging, support, nurturing, connection, caring
abused angry, panic, frustration emotional or physical wellbeing, angry, frustrated, consideration. Need for all living things to flourish.
unaccepted upset, fear, lonely inclusion, connection, community, belonging, contribution, peer respect, self-care
attacked fearful, angry safety
belittled angry, frustration, tense, distress respect, autonomy, to be seen, acknowledgment, appreciation
betrayed angry, hurt, disappointment, outrage trust, dependability, honesty, honour, commitment, clarity,
blamed angry, scared, confused, antagonistic, hostile, bewildered, hurt Accountability, causality, fairness, justice
bullied angry, scared, pressured autonomy, choice, safety, consideration
caged/boxed in angry, thwarted, nervous, anxious autonomy, choice, freedom
cheated hurt, angry, resentful trust, honesty, fairness, justice, reliability
coerced angry, frustrated, frightened, thwarted, scared choice, autonomy, freedom, act freely, choose freely
cornered angry, scared, anxious, thwarted autonomy, freedom
criticized in pain, angry, scared, nervous, frustrated, humiliated, embarrassed accountability, understanding, acknowledgement, recognition, non-judgmental communication
discounted/ diminished Hurt, frustrated, angry, embarrassed need to matter, recognition, acknowledgment, inclusions, respect
disliked sad, lonely, hurt friendship, connection, appreciation, understanding, acknowledgment, inclusion
distrusted sad, frustrated trust, honesty,
dumped on angry, overwhelmed respect, consideration
harassed enraged, frightened, frustrated, pressured contemplation, care, space, peace
hassled angry, irritated, distressed, frustrated, serenity, autonomy, calm, space
ignored lonely, scared, hurt, sad, embarrassed connection, belonging, inclusion, community, participation
insulted angry, embarrassed respect, consideration, acknowledgment, recognition
interrupted angry, frustrated, resentful, hurt respect, to be heard, consideration
intimidated Scared, anxiety safety, equality, empowerment
invalidated angry, hurt, upset, acknowledgment, appreciation, respect, recognition
 lonely, sad, angry, scared belonging, inclusion, community
isolated lonely, afraid, scared community, inclusion, belonging, contribution
left out sad, lonely, anxious inclusion, belonging, community, connection
let down sad, disappointed, frightened consistency, trust, dependability, consistency
manipulated angry, scared, powerless, thwarted, frustrated autonomy, empowerment, trust, equality, freedom, free choice, connection, genuineness
mistrusted sad, angry trust
misunderstood upset, angry, frustrated to be heard, understanding, clarity
neglected lonely, scared connection, inclusion, participation, community, care, mattering, consideration
overpowered, angry, frustrated, angry, impotent, helpless, confused equality, justice, autonomy, freedom
overworked sore, tired, frustrated respect, consideration, rest, caring
patronized angry, frustrated, resentful recognition, equality, respect, mutuality
pressured anxious, upset, overwhelmed clarity, space, consideration,
provoked antagonistic, angry, frustrated, hostile, resentful respect, consideration,
put down embarrassed, angry, sad, respect, acknowledgment, understanding
rejected angry, hurt, scared, defiant closeness, belonging, inclusion,  acknowledgment, connection
ripped off/ screwed Anger, resentment, disappointment consideration, justice, fairness, justice acknowledgement, trust
smothered/ suffocated Frustrated, fear, desperation, space, freedom, autonomy, authenticity. self-expression
taken for granted sad, angry, hurt, disappointment appreciation, acknowledgment, recognition, consideration
Stalked frightened, helpless, scared, anxious space, empowerment, mutuality, safety, privacy, respect
threatened scared, afraid, defiant, alarmed, agitated, autonomy, safety
trampled overwhelmed empowerment, connection, community, being seen, consideration, equality, respect, acknowledgment
tricked embarrassed, angry, resentful integrity, trust, honesty
unappreciated sad, angry, hurt, frustrated appreciation, respect, acknowledgment, consideration
unheard sad, hostile, frustrated understanding, consideration, empathy
unloved sad, bewildered, frustrated love, appreciation, empathy, connection, community
unseen sad, anxious, frustrated acknowledgment, appreciation, be heard
unsupported sad, hurt, resentful support, understanding
unwanted sad, anxious, frustrated belonging, inclusion, caring
used sad, angry, resentful autonomy, equality, consideration, mutuality
victimized frightened, helpless empowerment, mutuality, safety, justice
violated sad, agitated, anxiety privacy, safety, trust, space, respect
wronged angry, hurt, resentful, irritated respect, justice, trust, safety, fairness

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Evaluative Language Character Building Worksheet

Evaluative Language Character Building Worksheet

School and college teaching includes the use of evaluative characters building resources. Character building worksheet is one such resource. It helps students to think in detail about the characters. So that students can express their point of view through descriptive writing.

Students can also use the ideas when they need to develop a story with many characters. It encourages them to think about how they want to portray each character to the audience.      

Evaluative language makes it possible for the students to provide positive or negative characterization. That makes the overall story more interesting, and audiences judge characters according to their acts.

The character-building worksheets provide an excellent chance for students to develop characters. They can also decide which character they want to present to their audience. It is the perfect resource for primary and high-school students.

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Can We Use Evaluative Words In Other Languages Types?

Can We Use Evaluative Words In Other Languages Types?

The answer is yes! We can use evaluative words in other language types. Evaluative language can also be contrasted with descriptive language. Descriptive language just describes the affair’s state without passing any judgment.

However, evaluative language conventions provides freedom to offer judgment. This judgment can be positive or negative. Writers use evaluative language to calculate the quality of various products and services. It is also a perfect language for storytelling and non-fictional content.


Evaluative language is the best tool to offer an opinion on a person, place or thing. Writers use this language to calculate the quality of products, services, etc. This sort of language is also used to create literature, art, and non-fiction content.

School and college students are often given assignments where they need to use evaluative language. You must submit your assignments in Australian English if you are learning in Australian schools.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Evaluation language expresses positive opinion only?

You can use evaluative language to express both positive and negative opinions. It is the best language for storytelling and passing your judgment on something. Evaluative language is also used to measure the quality of products and services.

2. What is the difference between evaluative language and emotive language?

The emotive language contains relevant emotional information and evaluative terms. Which acts as a condensed argument. However, it is required that certain background assumptions are held in common.

3. What is evaluative language in academic writing?

We use evaluative language to say something positive or negative about something. However, all types of writing involve expressing something that can be positive or negative. Smart writers know the trick of how to use the appropriate language according to the conventions of a specific discipline.

4. What is evaluative language in persuasive writing?

Persuasive language is the ability to express an opinion to readers and convince them about it. The writers use evaluative adjectives to engage with the readers while expressing their opinion or judgment. Here, it is called evaluative language. As here, the writer is evaluating or judging something.

5. Is it right to utilize evaluative language in all types of writing?

It is not necessarily appropriate in all circumstances to use evaluative language. The use of evaluative writing may be appropriate in some ways. Especially if the writer needs it to express or give the necessary judgements. It is good while measuring the worth of products, books, art, cinema etc.

6. What is the purpose of composing an evaluative sentence?

The evaluative statement helps you self-assess your work. That enables you to present your ideas and thoughts in a summative fashion. Evaluative statements can be used to show opinions, judgments, and points of view in a clear, concise manner.

7. What are examples of evaluative words?

Some examples of evaluative words are – effective (adjective), clearly (adverb), conveys (verb), skillful (adjective), and many others. These words help in evaluating the worth of the subject in the sentence.

David Lee

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